On Boxing Day when most people are either relaxing from a busy Christmas or out shopping for the latest deals, I force my family out to Lowe's for wood.
Okay, so we did a little Boxing Day shopping:
note Snoopy and how happy Cam is about it. |
They aren't even bothered - squish up! |
Party time is over, folks. We've got days off between Christmas and New Year's - let's get to work.
We don't have a mudroom and our entryway was constantly a heap of a mess. Seemed like a good sized space, but it seemed like wasted space. I've tried the coat tree, a bench with cubbies, it just didn't work. Of course I turned to Pinterest (my serious addiction) and gathered as many ideas as I could.
Before: As you can see, it's a good amount of space, but that's all it was - space.
Once we start a project we get a lot of 'helpers'. Just imagine for a moment - renovation with three little girls. Words - peaceful and calm don't really come to mind.
Marley is our constant helper for all projects. The others want to be around, but Marley really wants to do things and work all the tools. Note the ear protectors for the saw, and the vest like Daddy is wearing. Soon though, the snow calls.
Work in progress:
Finished product. Each of us has our own double hook for coats and a lower hook for a bag.
Interested in doing it yourself? It was very easy.
1 x 6's for the horizontal pieces.
1 x 3's for the vertical pieces and the shelf on top.
Wood fill, sand, paint, hooks, done.